Mount Bracket FAQs

  • Last Updated:

Information on how to mount your HOTTAP V2 using the Quick Release Mounting Bracket as well as sizing and specifications.

HOTTAP V1 is compatible with the mounting bracket, with some modifications necessary. Follow these instructions. 

Using the bracket


  1. Hold the HOTTAP V2 upright and tilt the top in, towards the bracket.
  2. Slightly raise the top panel of the bracket, tilt the unit back to the centre and lower the unit onto the hooks.
    The HOTTAP V2 has slits in the back panel that line up with the hooks on the bracket.
  3. Latch the straps of the top panel of the bracket to the knobs on the main section of the bracket.
    This secures the HOTTAP V2 in place.
  4. Use a small/ medium-sized padlock to fend off prying hands!

Bracket Sizing 

Quick Release Mounting Bracket



HOTTAP V2 attached to Bracket



You are able to keep your HOTTAP attached to the mounting bracket during use and transit. In windy conditions, you'll find that performance of your HOTTAP will improve if you remove it from the quick-release bracket and position it in a more sheltered area using the removable feet or stand. 

HOTTAP is not able to be kept outside in the weather, you will need to either purchase our mount cover, or protect the HOTTAP in another way when not in use. 


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