Ensuite Mounted Tent - Replacing Aluminium Extrusions

  • Last Updated:

Below are the steps to replace your Ensuite Mounted Tent's aluminium extrusions. 


Items Needed

  1. Allen Key - for plastic arm cap
  2. Metal cutting shears - to cut aluminium extrusion to size


  1. Set up your Ensuite Mounted Tent, ensuring that the arms have been extended.
  2. Remove the plastic arm cap from the arm extension with your Allen Key.
  3. Take out the aluminium extrusion (your tent fabric will be wrapped around it).
  4. Unfold your tent, then take out the old aluminium extrusion
  5. Place the old aluminium extrusion next to the new one. Cut the new aluminium extrusion to size.
  6. Insert the new aluminium extrusion through the tent fabric
  7. Fold the tent to your preferred height and insert the aluminium extrusion back into the tent arm
  8. Put the plastic cap back on.

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