My HOTTAP keeps turning off when using with the HOTTUB

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HOTTAP has a safety cut off sensor, which will turn the unit off once the outgoing water temperature exceeds 50C / 122F. This is to prevent scalding when being used as a shower.

When using the HOTTAP to heat up your HOTTUB, this sensor can sometimes prevent the water from getting as hot as you'd like. To avoid this problem, we recommend following the steps below, which are designed to maximise the heating water temperature. 

  1. Firstly, make sure that the inlet water is being drawn from the LOWER blue fitting on the HOTTUB. This will ensure that cold water is being drawn in. 
  2. Manually circulate the water every 30-45 min during heating by giving the water a quick stir with your hands. This will help ensure the water is well mixed. 
  3. Alternatively, if you want to avoid manually stirring the water, you can use your Joolca shower head to deliver hot water into HOTTAP via the shower head (as opposed to the water-in connection) on the opposite end of the tub. 
  4. Use the cover. With the cover attached, the heat in the tub helps to make sure that the hottest water rises to the top, and so that the pump is always drawing the coldest water. 
  5. Finally, as the water is getting closer to your desired temperature, you may need to reduce the GAS dial lower, whilst keeping the water flow always on High. 

Advanced Solution: Temperature Sensor Replacement

We think that if you follow the above steps you should be able to enjoy a sufficiently 'hot' HOTTUB - but if you like it even hotter, we do have an 'advanced' solution, which includes modifying the appliance. For more information, check out Replacing HOTTAP Temperature Sensor Guide.




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