How do I start a return?

  • Last Updated:

If your order arrived damaged and you want to return it, or if you have changed your mind and want to return your order to us under our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. To do so, please contact us on this link (and choose "Refund request").

Learn about what happens if your order is damaged in transit.

Learn about our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

If you want to return your order for another reason, or to learn more about making a return, please read below.


I want to return an item for replacement or repair

Before we accept a return for replacement or repair, we will need to make an assessment first. If you believe your product is faulty and needs to be replaced or repaired, please contact us on this link (and choose "Troubleshooting help"). 

Please provide a description of the issue, and include a video of the fault. Please be as detailed as possible, with both the description and video.

How do I pack my return?

The ideal way to pack your return items is in the original packaging. The original packaging includes sturdy inserts (e.g., the cardboard sections that keep everything in place) that provide excellent protection for transit. 

If you no longer have the original packaging and/or inserts, please find a suitable replacement. Ultimately, you want to pack the return items in a cardboard box, and ensure that there is adequate padding (e.g., bubble wrap, cardboard, etc.) to protect the item from rough transit. 

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