It's hard to empty the Chemical Cassette

  • Last Updated:

Our recommendation is to fill the chemical cassette with a mixture of 4L (135oz) water & 100ml (3.4oz) chemicals before use. This mixture has been found to work well in the majority of cases with our testing. Having said that, our goal has been to make GottaGo compatible with any brand of toilet chemical and there may be differences between brands. 

If you are using our recommended mixture but are still having issues when emptying by finding that the solids haven't broken down enough, here are some things you can change: 

  1. Add more water. Use 5l in your mixture, which will make it easier for the solids to turn into a slurry. 
  2. Every 1-2. days manually agitate the solids container by giving it a few shakes back and forth, this will help things break down significantly. 
  3. Try adding more chemical to the mixture. If you used 100ml originally, try 150ml instead to see if it significantly improves the process. 

Even though we have done extensive testing, it doesn't compare to customers using their gottago's in the wild; so if you've had issues but find that a different mixture works better, please let our support team know so that we can create a reference document for future customers. 

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