How to clean the HOTTAP when there's black smoke and burns yellow flame?

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Learn how to clean the HOTTAP to get rid of black smoke or yellow/orange flame. 

If you notice black smoke coming out of the vents of your HOTTAP and the burner shows a yellow flame, don't panic; the most probable cause is debris or leaves burning up in the burners or top vents. We even had one case where a spider got stuck in the burners!

Fortunately, this issue can be easily resolved by cleaning removing the front panel and cleaning the burners with a small brush or pressurised air. 

Steps to remove the front panel

1. Remove the blue & red knobs. They come off by firmly grasping them and pulling them away from the unit.

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 11.46.04 PM.png

2: Remove this black screw from the left & right sides of the unit.

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 11.46.56 PM.png

3: Remove this silver screw from the bottom of the unit.

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 11.47.51 PM.png

4: The front panel will now lift off from the main unit. It will still be connected to the main unit via a wiring harness that attaches to the LED screen. Unclip it at the black connector (shown).

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 11.49.34 PM.png

5. Once cleaned, start reconnecting the wiring harness, securing the front panel with the screws, and installing the gas and flame dials.

Still won't work

If your HOTTAP does not work after completing the above steps, please follow this guide and record a video of your HOTTAP and upload it here


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