HOTTAP lights but only works on the LOW water flow setting

  • Last Updated:

If your HOTTAP turns on but then turns off when you adjust the Water Dial, please follow this guide to resolve the issue. 

How this issue looks

Your HOTTAP turns on and ignites the flame (and actually heats up water) but then it turns off when you adjust the Water Dial. 

In both of these scenarios, the issue is not enough water supply. 

The HOTTAP needs a minimum of 6 LPM (1.6 GPM) and 10 PSI to work across the full flow range (turning the Water Dial from LOW to HIGH).

How to troubleshoot this issue:

How to troubleshoot the pump:

Review the Joolca pump setup guide to make sure everything is set up correctly.


  1. Charge the pump power supply to 100%.
  2. Clean out the filter.
  3. Tighten all water fittings.
  4. Use a 2m hose for the inlet (max length).
  5. Use a 2m hose for the outlet.

For further troubleshooting, please follow these steps.

If you are using your own pump

Make sure that you're using a compatible pump that is plugged directly into the HOTTAP:

  • Your pump needs a water flow between 6-12 litres/min & water pressure between 40-60 PSI
  • Plug your pump directly into the HOTTAP (i.e., don't have any other appliances running off your pump)
  • Charge the pump power supply to 100%.
  • Clean out the filter.
  • Tighten all water fittings.
  • Clip water fittings on fully.

Read more here

If you're using another water source, such as a header tank, bilge pump, high flow pump.  

The HOTTAP requires a consistent supply of water flow and water pressure in order to turn on, and remain running.  Gravity-fed or 12V systems that are high flow (above 12 litres/min) encounter a large drop in pressure as water enters the HOTTAP - this is due to the HOTTAP's small diameter water valves.  This drop in pressure (even if it stabilises later) will cause the HOTTAP to "sometimes work, and sometimes not work." In addition to this, if the gravity-fed or 24V supply is plugged into multiple appliances, the water flow and water pressure supplied to the HOTTAP will not be stable (as other appliances are used) and the HOTTAP will not work. 

To overcome this issue, grab a Joolca pump and use this as a dedicated supply for the HOTTAP.

Read more here

Still won't work

If your HOTTAP does not work after completing the above steps, please follow this guide and record a video of your HOTTAP and upload it here

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